I decided to name this product “SAI ZEN”. – The Sai Zen Story, Part 3 –
If you missed part 1 & 2, read it here.
Although it started as a project for my mother, I decided to create a hair care product that would solve all the complaints my salon clients had with existing hair growth shampoos. With this in mind, I created a product that:
- Hair grows thicker and fuller
- Contains natural ingredients that are safe even for babies
- Adds volume to hair with each use
- Moisturizes hair during washing and protects it from heat damage during blow-drying
- Helps to reduce color fading in white hair dyes
- Can be used by people with sensitive skin.
I did a lot of research and worked hard on product development.
And then a miracle happened!!
When my mother used the shampoo I made, her hair grew more and more. And finally, she no longer needs the wig. When customers who used to wear wigs started using it, their hair grew thicker and fuller and many people no longer
needed wigs. It’s truly a miracle. And I started selling them in my salon with confidence.
I decided to name this shampoo “SAI ZEN”.
Sai, meaning “the most wonderful”, or “the best”; and “Play, reviving, regaining youth and confidence”
And Zen, meaning “Improvement”, Focusing on the belief that you can revive your hair.
Stay tuned for Part 4 for the continued story!

Saizen is a herb-rich hair care brand developed by a hair stylist for her mother who was suffering from thinning hair. I would like to share the secret story of Sai Zen’s birth, which helped the mother’s hair grow enough to remove the wig she had been wearing for over 10 years!